Sai Krish Polytechnic was established in the year 1982 under the direction of Environmental Research Institute & Human Care Society(R.) with the motto of imparting professional education to the students. College is offering three years diploma courses in the Five branches i.e. Automobile Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
SAI KRISH POLYTECHNIC is one of the fastest growing technical institutes in this region..Sai Krish Polytechnic is one of the best premises in the contemporary institutes in the region. It is fully equipped with every facility keeping in mind healthy teaching, pollution free environment.
SAI KRISH POLYTECHNIC Offering top quality technical education and moulding the younger generation with the spirit of service to society, our Chairman has spared no efforts to induct dedicated faculty and provide adequate infrastructure facilities.
Sai Krish Polytechnic aims to prepare the students to be successful in the changing work place. It aims to equip the students with technical knowledge and capabilities, flexibility and understanding of the societal context of the corporate world. We give the students support and encouragement they need to reach their full potential .This is th age of liberalization, privatization and globalization.
We are hopeful that Sai Krish Polytechnic College will transform the students into enlightened and dynamic young professionals for the future by inculcating ethical values to face the challenges of Society and Industry and add to the growth and prosperity of nation. Management of Sai Krish Polytechnic College has always embedded a deep rooted belief in the value of education.